Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Benefits of pets in babies

A research conducted in the United States concluded that children who lived with dogs or cats in their first year of life had a lower risk of allergies. This would be as a result of early exposure to allergens, which strengthen the immune system.

The study also indicated that this positive effect occurred in children, but not girls, a finding that left investigators baffled. At the same time revealed that exposure to pets at any time after the first year of life had no significant effect on the risk of allergy, emphasizing the importance of the time variable in preventive issues.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Elements for infant feeding

The World Health Organization recommends exclusive breastfeeding until six months old. It is then from this period that the child will slowly adding solid foods, when all your digestive system is ready for it.

Generally, it is they who are the first signs that they are ready to change your diet, keeping the head steady or loss "extrusion reflex" that is when you stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth. Most babies are ready to eat when they've doubled their birth weight.

Perhaps your pediatrician to recommend a food orders to accustom your stomach and your taste, and although they may differ, most agree that at the beginning how important is to achieve a semi-liquid consistency. At this stage it is recommended to use a spoon special soft tip, to avoid injuring your gums.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How to perform exercises to reaffirm the breasts

The most women like to keep a very firm breast that allows us to show a beautiful neckline, so we leave a few easy exercises to practice and firm breasts. Here are some notes.

  • Repeat 10 times, will place the hands behind the neck, elbows stretching, and taking them back, as if to join those. 
  • Then place your arms straight to form parallel to the chest, and performed a scissor motion repeated 10 times. 
  • With arms outstretched, then we will circle inward and outward, repeating 10 times each year. 
  • Then will place each hand on the biceps against the chest and arms will press inward performing the exercise 10 times before proceeding to the next.

4 tips to harden nails

Surely you happened occasionally you have perfectly painted nails, all polish really perfect. And then we bet there's nothing worse than breaking a delicate and worked manicure.

Here are we pass some small tips and recipes for a classic know how to harden nails that have passed from generation to generation in our family. Some of them do we have tested, while others of them yet.

Use a raw onion:

The secret is to cut an onion in half, realizing you a small hole in the center and put the nail in it for at least 15 minutes. Yes, the smell is clearly very unpleasant, but the result is good, and if you do it, you'll see how your nails will break much less often.

Use a mix oils:

We are very much in favor of almond oil. On this occasion, however, the recipe consists of a small container placed in two tablespoons of almond oil and two tablespoons of olive oil. Then with a cotton swab, paint the nails thoroughly with the preparation. Perform this task three times a day.

Tips for feeding an infant

Many mothers strikes us that our babies often do not demand every three hours or each time the chest, especially when this power is without supplements. We are alarmed wondering if eating well, because these babies only eat when we offer it.

We must remember that each baby has its own characteristics and personality tend to manifest since the early days they share with us. Each baby has a unique behavior pattern that adapts over time to the surrounding environment.

In this case we are talking about a calm baby who knows that their mother has enough milk and that the offers carefully considered whenever their need it.

What is important in these cases is that the child will be fed and gaining weight, whether in the pediatric, we see that grow normally, and as directed by the doctor, we should not alarm us and continue quietly offering the breast as usual.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Planning vacations with a baby

When you think about putting together a family vacation must be taken into account details such as destination, mode of transport, choice of excursions and the assembly of the bags, among others. All these considerations are multiplied if you also represent the first long stays away from home with a baby.

First, it must be remembered that children less than one year can not be exposed to the sun, must remain in the shade and always be protected from the solar reflection with a protective factor greater than 50. When deciding the fate, we must remember that it is better this time selecting a single place that allow small to adapt to the new house.

 For infants under 6 months, the beach is not recommended because the sunlight can provoke burns on the skin, and are still too young to enjoy the sand so they tend to get restless. The over 6 months may attend but within a limited time: from 9 to 10.30 hours in the morning, and after 16, in the afternoon. Thus, we succeed in avoiding the most dangerous sun rays.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bags according to your body type

If you're a fan of fashion, you know that not all elections and combinations to wear are arbitrary. Here are some tips about the clothes that best engage your body type.

But today we will devote a special mention to one of the favorite accessories for us, the portfolios. Dare to discover what bags you feel good.


For the girls, curvaceous Latin body in the style of Jennifer Lopez and Sofia Vergara, we recommend a square type bag. What happens with these is that, having well-defined lines, used to compare your rounded silhouette. These portfolios are the perfect size, are small enough to upload but have space for everything you need.


Women always small portfolios tend to wear the same size. Although we recommendation is totally different. If you are small in stature we recommend large bags. Try more casual bags that go from shoulder to elbow, with a good fall.